
Family Health Challenge

Family Health Challenge

Module 1: Introduction

Thank you for choosing the Family Health Challenge! We are so excited to be here to help you and your family throughout your family health journey. This is a 9 module challenge that can take you as long or as short as you need — health is a journey that looks different for everyone. Within each module are videos, tools, and resources directed toward family health and health education. 

Click on the modules to start challenging your family’s health!

Module 2: Family Health

What exactly is family health? In this module we will be talking about some misunderstandings of family health and will be breaking down the importance of it, possible struggles many families face, along with some ways families can be healthy together.

Module 3: Move More

Let’s get moving! Regular physical activity has been shown to have major benefits for your overall health. However, 1 in 4 individuals are not meeting their recommended physical activity levels which can have serious consequences to their health. Learn how you and your family can increase your physical activity levels while also spending quality time together.

Module 4: Eat Smarter

Eating smarter doesn’t mean eating less. It means understanding what foods are good for you and your bodies and learning which foods make you feel more like you! In this module you will get a chance to learn some fun and new ways to get your entire family eating smarter. 

Module 5: Manage Stress Better

Stress can be a scary and detrimental thing that can cause serious effects to your health. But good thing there are so many ways you can manage your stress! Continue with this module to see how you can beat that stress and benefit your overall health. 

Module 6: Sleep More Soundly

Sleep is such an important aspect to healthy living. But it is also one of the most overlooked domains of health. If you don’t prioritize your sleep, then every other area in your life may end up negatively affected. Continue with this module to learn more about sleep and ways to improve it!

Module 7: Cultivate Relationships

Positive family relationships help family members work as a team, resolve issues, help each other with health, and also enjoy one another’s company. Cultivating strong family relationships is important and beneficial to all areas of health, which is why it is so important for you and your family knows how to communicate and appreciate one another. 

Module 8: Avoid Risky Substances

It is important to talk openly about the dangers of risky substances and the effects they can have on your body and overall health. Continue with this module to learn more about how you and your family can have an educational and productive conversation about how to avoid risky substances. 

Module 9: Putting It All Together

Congratulations on making it through the Family Health Challenge! I hope you and your family were able to learn more about yourselves along with learning more about how to incorporate healthy choices into your lifestyle. Check out Captain Lifestyle’s Family Health Challenge handout to keep challenging your family members to be the healthiest versions of themselves!