
Move More

Physical activity refers to all body movements produced by the skeletal muscles, resulting in substantial increase in energy expenditure. Exercise refers to planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain components of physical fitness. Keeping physically fit has a ton health benefits, such as lowered risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and type 2 diabetes, and improved weight management, stress management, immunity, and mental health. Adults are advised to get at least 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous intensity activity along with 2 or more days of strength training per week.

Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness

· Aerobic fitness—any exercise that requires oxygen to make energy for prolonged activity

· Muscular strength—refers to the amount of force a muscle or group of muscles can generate in one contraction

· Muscular endurance—a muscle’s ability to exert force repeatedly without fatiguing, or the ability to sustain a muscular contraction for a length of time

· Flexibility—the range of motion at a particular joint or series of joints

· Body composition—describes the relative proportions of fat and lean tissues in the body


· Choose activities that are personally appropriate, convenient, and enjoyable

· Start slow, plan enjoyable activities, and progress to more strenuous or vigorous activities

· Get friends or family to be active with you and help keep you accountable

· Schedule workout time into your schedule like you would other commitments

· Ride your bike places instead of driving, or park further from your destinations

· Multitask—read while on the treadmill or make phone calls while taking a walk



Walk With a Doc—walkwithadoc.org


ACE Exercise Library—acefitness.org